Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who Might Pose a Threat to The ICBMs of The 90th Missile Wing?

In a word, terrorists.  While the United States Air Force Strategic Command, the 20th Air Force and the 90th Missile Wing have been doing a fine job of updating various security protocols in the last few years, I, as a mere clueless civilian, worry about the possibility that these frightening weapons could be hijacked by terrorists.  When you think about it, there are lots of different groups that might want to use Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to take out cities in other parts of the world.  They might even try to blame the United States for having launched a nuclear strike.

Here are some terrorist groups and organizations that might have a motive to attack cities overseas using hijacked American ICBMs:

Name of Organization

Cities that Might Be Attacked
Al Qaeda

New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Madrid
To traumatize the civilian population in the U.S. and abroad by means of a nuclear jihad.
M*ssad (Israeli intelligence)
Mecca, Medina, Najaf, Karbalah, Tehran
To eliminate Muslim holy cities while blaming the United States; I think that Muslims would still blame the M*ssad, though.
National S*cialist Movement
Mecca, Medina, Najaf, Karbalah, Tehran
To eliminate Muslim holy cities, although in the process they would be helping Israel.  Is there such a thing as a Zionist N*zi?
FARC (Drug Dealing Columbian Rebels)
Washington, DC; San Jose, Columbia; Lima, Peru
To eliminate the opposition of various governments that oppose drug dealing in South America.
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
London, Manchester
There is a peace agreement in place in Northern Ireland, which seems to be working, but you never know.
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
New York, Chicago, Los Angeles
Admittedly, nobody has heard from the SLA for a while, but look at what they did to poor Patty Hearst!
Tamil Tigers
New Delhi, Mumbai
To force India to recognize Sri Lanka as an independent nation.

I am sure that I am worrying about nothing, though.  The brave folks at the 90th Missile Wing would never allow terrorists to hijack their ICBMs and use them to murder millions of innocent people.

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